Join my new programme and master intermediate English in 3 months!
Watch this video to learn how you can master the B1 level in just 3 months!
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You have taken the first step to achieving fluency and confidence in Beautiful British English.

When you clicked on this page, you took the first step.
To take the second step, I need you to think about this question:

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You can understand my lessons, but you can’t understand native speakers when they talk fast.
  • You can’t understand TV shows or films without subtitles.
  • You feel nervous or embarrassed to respond when someone asks you a question in English.
  • You can talk about a few common topics, but you can’t enjoy deep conversations.
  • You feel your current English level prevents you from showing your true personality and intelligence.

Hello, my name is Lucy...

I am your British English teacher!

I am passionate about teaching real, correct English with beautiful British pronunciation.
Millions of students enjoy my YouTube and Instagram lessons every month, and thousands have benefitted from my in-depth online programmes.

I train my students to sound natural, confident, and fluent. Pronunciation is a priority in my courses - we start with a profound focus on pronunciation from day 1!

Because I know what it is to learn a foreign language.
It can be really hard!

But if you do it the right way it can also be lots of fun!
Look, when I moved to Spain, 2 years after starting proper classes, people sometimes asked me if I was a native speaker. 
For me, this was the ultimate compliment.

But, I also tried to learn French and I failed.. I took French lessons for 5 years at school and hardly learned anything.

You see, aside from my 8 years of teaching experience, I have:

First-hand experience of what it takes to become totally fluent.
First-hand experience of how you can study really hard and make no significant progress.

When I became fluent in Spanish, I did 3 things differently:
  • I chose a teacher I liked. I loved the way she spoke. I loved the way she explained things. Learning with her was exciting!
  • I focussed on pronunciation from day 1. I learnt to pronounce words like a native BEFORE I learnt to use grammar like a native. This might sound crazy, but it works! I could pronounce the basics beautifully before could form complex sentences.
  • I made Spanish my priority. I did intensive courses. I thought in Spanish. I tried to meet Spanish people. I virtually immersed myself in Spanish.
And now I’ve created a brand new programme that will help you reach an intermediate level in English the same way…

I present to you….
'Thanks to this approach, I was able to fully immerse myself in Spanish culture!'


B1 Programme

The Beautiful British English B1 Programme is a 12-week course designed to take your English to the next level. We will take you from pre-intermediate to intermediate English, as defined by the CEFR.
The Beautiful British English B1 Programme is a 12-week course designed to take your English to the next level. We will take you from pre-intermediate to intermediate English, as defined by the CEFR.
But Lucy, what is B1 level?
  • At B1 level you will be able to talk to native speakers fluently without too much effort.
  • You will be able to understand native speakers when they talk at a normal speed.
  • You will be able to better express your true personality and intelligence.
  • You will build strong English foundations, so that you can move towards perfection and native -like fluency in higher levels. 
We do this by making sure you understand British English pronunciation from day 1.
We take common situations like family, work, and travel, and teach you the necessary vocabulary in context. We cover all of the intermediate grammar with memory-boosting exercises.
By joining these 3 skills, you will be prepared for fluency.
You can’t build a house without strong foundations…
Treat English the same way!

Why my students love to learn with me:

Pronunciation from Day 1

When you learn English with me, I make pronunciation your priority. Why? It makes me feel confident and ready to speak from Day 1. I integrate pronunciation into all of my lessons. I teach you how to read phonetic transcriptions so you’ll know how to pronounce every word immediately!

Build Strong Foundations

You can’t build a beautiful life-long home, without strong foundations. Language-learning is exactly the same. First, we master the essentials in grammar and vocabulary with clear and visual explanations, and lots of exercises and practice.

Real British 

With your strong English foundations in place, and your early pronunciation advantage, you’re ready for the really fun part. In my lessons, I speak to you as I speak to my friends. I teach you real British English. This part of my methodology takes you from:

-How long have you been learning English?
-Wow, how long have you lived in England?
Some students will even achieve the magical, 3-word question:
- Are you English?
-How long have you been learning English?
-Wow, how long have you lived in England?
Some students will even achieve the magical, 3-word question:
- Are you English?

Look at what my students have to say about my course:

Margie | Colombia

Lucy's challenges are so amazing! My phrasal verbs vocabulary has just dramatically expanded. Each of her lessons is very funny and encourages me to learn more every day. I assure you that you will never get bored by join in her challenges. The way Lucy spells out everything is fascinated because is very clear, besides she always give you an extra new vocabulary that can be applied straight away. The repetition technique that Lucy uses in the quiz is fantastic, it is the best method to remember all you have learnt during the challenge. Something that has been idyllic for me is that after the phrasal verb challenge it has been more easily for me to recognize and understand those words such as in movies or series on Netflix and it has motivated to me to learn constantly new phrasal verbs when I come across with them. Thank you Lucy for creating this such amazing challenge!

Dmytro | Ukraine

As for me, this course was really useful because I spent everyday listening to all types of accents, and worked to improve my skills. Also, we learned a lot of words, which helped me a lot to improve my speaking. I recommend this course. 

Michael | Germany

This course was really a great way to expand my vocabulary enormously in a short period of time. Every day it's just a little bit and at the end it's a huge amount you've learned. It helped me a lot to regularly practise the previous lessons. The daily routine quiz is ideal for this. On the one hand, it's fun and entertaining. On the other hand, it helped me a lot to learn the phrasal verbs in context within whole sentences, so they stay in the memory much better. It does become a challenge towards the end, but seeing how the phrasal verbs become more and more familiar was very motivating.

Ayhan | Turkey

This was a positive challenge for me. I have learned lots of new idioms, pharsal verbs, and pronounciation tips. Many thanks to Lucy and her team. 

Marcos | Brazil

Lucy's course was so entertaining and absolutely one of my favorites so far. I was blown away about the lessons, how it can really teach you so much and all you learn sticks in your head forever, the exercises, quiz and, extra focus language were the best part for me especially because it brought me a huge amount of new vocabulary. With no shadow of doubt I highly and extremely recommend this to everyone! 

Look at what my students have to say about my course:

Margie | Colombia

Lucy's challenges are so amazing! My phrasal verbs vocabulary has just dramatically expanded. Each of her lessons is very funny and encourages me to learn more every day. I assure you that you will never get bored by join in her challenges. The way Lucy spells out everything is fascinated because is very clear, besides she always give you an extra new vocabulary that can be applied straight away. The repetition technique that Lucy uses in the quiz is fantastic, it is the best method to remember all you have learnt during the challenge. Something that has been idyllic for me is that after the phrasal verb challenge it has been more easily for me to recognize and understand those words such as in movies or series on Netflix and it has motivated to me to learn constantly new phrasal verbs when I come across with them. Thank you Lucy for creating this such amazing challenge!

Dmytro | Ukraine

As for me, this course was really useful because I spent everyday listening to all types of accents, and worked to improve my skills. Also, we learned a lot of words, which helped me a lot to improve my speaking. I recommend this course. 

Michael | Germany

This course was really a great way to expand my vocabulary enormously in a short period of time. Every day it's just a little bit and at the end it's a huge amount you've learned. It helped me a lot to regularly practise the previous lessons. The daily routine quiz is ideal for this. On the one hand, it's fun and entertaining. On the other hand, it helped me a lot to learn the phrasal verbs in context within whole sentences, so they stay in the memory much better. It does become a challenge towards the end, but seeing how the phrasal verbs become more and more familiar was very motivating.

Ayhan | Turkey

This was a positive challenge for me. I have learned lots of new idioms, pharsal verbs, and pronounciation tips. Many thanks to Lucy and her team. 

Marcos | Brazil

Lucy's course was so entertaining and absolutely one of my favorites so far. I was blown away about the lessons, how it can really teach you so much and all you learn sticks in your head forever, the exercises, quiz and, extra focus language were the best part for me especially because it brought me a huge amount of new vocabulary. With no shadow of doubt I highly and extremely recommend this to everyone! 

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 12 modules that each come with Between 4-6 video lessons
I will teach you to master intermediate English so that you speak English fluently and confidently. Every lesson has optional subtitles so you can visualise everything I say.
We have 3 lesson concepts: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, and we cover listening, reading, speaking, and writing throughout the programme.




  • DOWNLOADABLE PDF MINDMAPS so that you can visualise and revise more complex grammar and vocabulary concepts.
  • TRANSCRIPTION EXERCISES, LISTENING TESTS, READING COMPREHENSION, GAP-FILLS, GRAMMAR QUIZZES, AND SPELLING TESTS so that you can put what you’ve learnt into practice and boost your memory and retention.
  • PRONUNCIATION EXERCISES so that you can speak clearly and be understood by native speakers. If you have the goal of sounding like a native, the pronunciation exercises will be vital.
  • WEEKLY SPEAKING AND WRITING HOMEWORK with personal teacher feedback if you opt for the VIP Feedback Package. 
  • 16-WEEK ACCESS TO OUR PRIVATE COURSE COMMUNITY where you can connect to like-minded learners and stay motivated. Teachers will help you out and answer your questions, so you never get stuck!

Also want feedback on your

writing and pronunciation?
writing and pronunciation?
We’ve create a premium package for those who want personal feedback on their writing, speaking, and pronunciation.

With this package you’ll get weekly homework tasks that you can submit to our teachers. You’ll receive personal feedback on your writing and speaking, including pronunciation advice. This is a great way to make sure you are on the right track. Feedback makes the learning process so much easier!

If you feel shy, you can always swap your speaking homework with writing homework. See how you feel! We’re here to support you.
(Select the VIP Feedback Pack at checkout!)
Is this programme for me?
My programme is for you if…
  • You can understand most of my YouTube videos, but English movies and TV shows are too fast and difficult to understand.
  • You want to build a strong foundation in English, ready to reach total fluency.
  • You want to build good habits from day 1, and correct your bad habits forever.
The Programme is not for you if…
  • You don’t want to study at home during your free time.
  • You are not ready to pay and make an investment in your English studies.
  • You are looking for an instant solution that makes you fluent in 1 week (please, don’t listen to anyone who promises you this!)

Get Started TODAY!

Get Started TODAY!


TODAY: $399

  •  12-week programme
  • 60+ video lessons
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • 16-week access to Private Course Community for questions and doubts
  • 16-week access to VIP Course Community Group (extra space for personal feedback from teachers)
  • Weekly Formal writing & speaking homework
  • 6 x personalised writing feedback & advice
  • 6 x personalised speaking and pronunciation feedback & advice

Choose your payment option


TODAY: $249
  •  12-week programme
  • 60+ video lessons
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • 16-week access to Private Course Community for questions and doubts
Choose your payment option


TODAY: $249

  •  12-week programme
  • 60+ video lessons
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • 16-week access to Private Course Community for questions and doubts
Choose your payment option


TODAY: $399

  •  12-week programme
  • 60+ video lessons
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • 16-week access to Private Course Community for questions and doubts
  • 16-week access to VIP Course Community Group (extra space for personal feedback from teachers)
  • Weekly Formal writing & speaking homework
  • 6 x personalised writing feedback & advice
  • 6 x personalised speaking and pronunciation feedback & advice
Choose your payment option

Secure Order Form - 100% Protected and Safe - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Secure Order Form - 100% Protected and Safe - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

100% Risk Free

My relationship with my students is built on trust. I offer a 30-day 100% money back guarantee on all courses. If you complete under 20% and don't like it, I will give you a refund. I want to help you, and I want you to be happy!



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